Our History
Founder Jim Judd started The Villages Convertible Club in February 2009. A dozen convertible club owners showed up at the first meeting at the Laurel Manor Recreation Center. Residents in attendance expressed an interest in driving their convertibles to restaurants around The Villages plus possible day tours to attractions around Central Florida. The first club trip was advertised in April 2009 as "A Gulf Coast Adventure to include a remote beach, an archeological site, riverside lunch and a nature boat ride". Later in 2009 the club incorporated as a Florida non-profit corporation and also obtained Federal IRS tax exemption as a 501(C)7 club. And the great trips continue....
2024 VCC Board
Kathy Dolence
VP Communications 352-753-4577 Home 561-213-5211 Cell |
2024 VCC Leaders
Rick & Carol Watson
Car Shows and Parades Coordinator 352-259-0813 Home |
George Worton
Dining Out 352-283-7208 Home 410-382-0473 Cell |
Denny Mers
50/50 Raffle Coordinator 352-255-2356 Cell |